Lessons from My Quaker Ancestors and the People They Enslaved

A Friend studies the history of slavery and abolition in his family.

Os Cresson

‘We Are All Fire Survivors’: Southern California Friends Support Each Other Through Loss, Trauma

Several Quakers in the Los Angeles County area lost their homes and possessions.

Quakers Sue DHS over Immigration Enforcement and Religious Freedom [Updated]

Friends’ historic experience of religious persecution motivated modern Quakers to join the lawsuit.

Kat Griffith: Building Relationships Across Politics

Kat Griffith's article, “Rhapsody in Purple,” appears in the Feburary 2025 issue of Friends Journal.

Los Cuáqueros demandan al DHS a causa de la aplicación de la ley de Inmigración y la Libertad Religiosa

La experiencia histórica de persecución religiosa de los amigos motivó a los cuáqueros modernos a unirse a la demanda.

Prepared for This

Introduction to our February issue.

[Kat Griffith stands on her front lawn, getting ready to go out for door-to-door canvassing. She's standing in front of a homemade sign that says "WITH MALICE TOWARD NONE."]

Rhapsody in Purple

Reshaping hearts through political canvassing.

The Delight of Being Alive

A walking prayer meditation for healing.

Lessons from My Quaker Ancestors and the People They Enslaved

A Friend studies the history of slavery and abolition in his family.

Learning Our True History

Alaskan Friends seek right relationships with Indigenous peoples.

Emblems of Change

Friends’ global responses to the climate crisis.

Edward Hicks's painting, "Noah's Ark," features a line of animals, two by two, walking from right to left across the foreground, then doubling back and walking up a ramp into the ark, which looks like a giant warehouse plopped on top of a giant wooden boat.

The Time of Flooding

Noah had a vision. Vesta, his wife, listened. / She was strong and tall. Vesta cut


If legacy means long arms— / my grandfather’s smile

Turning a Row

how love inscribes its wanderings / in patterns in a Blocks and Strips sheening,

Forum, February 2025

Letters from our readers.

On the Use of Despair

Despair, like any emotion, must be felt, acknowledged, given room to crescendo, and only then pointed toward action.

In Your Light We See Light

New for 2025, the Bible Study department runs four times a year in the February, May, August, and November issues.

Latest Book Reviews

Current Issue

February 2025

February 2025

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Quakers and Money with Joann Neuroth, Alicia Mendonca-Richards, and Brian McClaren Quakers Today

  1. Quakers and Money with Joann Neuroth, Alicia Mendonca-Richards, and Brian McClaren
  2. Quakers and Staying Steady Amid Turmoil
  3. Palestine, Food, and Memory with Dr. Riyam Kafri Abu Laban

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A row of Friends sitting in silent worship at meeting.