Navigating this web site: Entries are not in alphabetical order but instead age order. New entries are added to the bottom of each section. Use the search function of your browser to locate entries.
Quaker blogs may be found at Planet Quaker.
Computer Businesses
Health Practitioners
Performing and Visual Artists and Musicians
Publishers & Bookstores
QUIP is a consortium of Quaker Publishers. Bookstores have their own page.Summer Camps
Other Businesses
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FCUN was created "for Friends (and friends of Friends) of the environmental persuasion." It discusses the Friends Committee in Unity with Nature (FCUN) and other environmentally-related topics. Begun July 31, 1997. Visit the FCUN list's web page for more information.
This is a list to facilitate communication among those interested in Quaker volunteer service, training and witness.
To subscribe, send the message
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The Friends Council on Education Technology Committee has established this list of educators in Friends schools and Friends in non-Friends schools.
To subscribe, send an e-mail message with your name and relation to Quaker education
We're a small group largely based in Ann Arbor, Michigan with members from all around lower michigan (namely Troy, Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids, and the Traverse city area). We hold quarterly retreats and we run a mailing list. To subscribe to the list send an empty message.
Quaker Books for Friends is distributed free of charge as an independent monthly newsletter featuring eclectic reviews of books of interest to Christian Friends. Each issue features two or more contemplative reviews of books for enlightened Christian readers. The newsletter has no commercial connection with any bookstore or publisher, and the mailing list is unpublished and carefully-supervised.
The ERAF list provides on-line networking for Friends with a concern for issues of race, diversity, inclusiveness and privilege, especially as they play out in the Society of Friends. It is one of several activities to follow up on the April 1999 Friends Gathering with a Concern for Issues of Racism, Diversity and Inclusiveness.
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