Quaker Periodicals

The Friend, The weekly Quaker magazine published in London.

Friends Journal, pub. by Friends Pub. Corp, 1216 Arch Street, Ste. 2A, Philadelphia, PA 19107, ask for a sample issue. Tries to cover both christo-centric & universalist Friends.

Friends World News, pub. by Friends World Committee For Consultation, published by FWCC's World Office at 173 Euston Road, London NW1 2AX. Available in the Americas from FWCC Section of the Americas, 1506 Race Street Philadelphia PA 19102, or americas@fwccamericas.org.

Wider Quaker Fellowship, also at 1506 Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19102, 3 English and one Spanish issues/year, subscription by "donation." Their mailings include some Pendle Hill pamphlets plus things published exclusively for them as well. Request English-only, Spanish-only, or bilingual mailings.

Universalist. pub. by Quaker Universalist group (Britain) . There used to be a way to subscribe from the US in US funds but that has changed recently and I don't know the exact method. The only address I have is: Jean Hardy, 25 Woodgrange Avenue, Ealing Common, London W5 3NY, Great Britain. 3 issues/year.

Universalist Friends, pub. by Quaker Universalist Fellowship, 121 Watson Mill Road, Landenberg, PA 19350. This is NOT the same as the Universalist listed above. This is a US group. $10 = year/2 issues. I have found their publication dates a bit quirky. Perhaps they can give you better info on the British group?

What Canst Thou Say? is an independent publication by and for Quakers with an interest in mystical experience and contemplative practice.

Pendle Hill Pamphlet subscription, pub. by Pendle Hill, 338 Plush Mill Road, Wallingford, PA 19086, I do not have price/#issues. Wider Quaker sends some of these and a subscription to this might have some duplication??

Quaker History is a semiannual publication formerly known as the Bulletin of Friends Historical Association. A subscription is included in the association's $15 annual dues. Correspondence should be sent to Friends Historical Association, Haverford College Library, Haverford, PA 19041.

Friends General Conference Bookstore publishes a catalog, 1216 Arch Street, 2B, Philadelphia, PA 19107

Friends United Press publishes a catalog, 101-A Quaker Hill Drive, Richmond, IN 47374.

The Motto Calendar is an annual calendar still edited by the Scattergood family (annually since 1884). It is available from The Motto Calendar, 1101 Ridge Road/Pottstown, PA 19465. For more information , send email to MottoCal@aol.com or telephone 301-320-3931.

Quaker Monthly, aimed at newer members,

journals from all over the world, including Ireland, New Zealand/Aotearoa, Germany, etc.

EarthLight magazine, pub. by the Pacific Yearly Meeting Committee on Unity with Nature [PYMCUN] 1558 Mercy St., Mountain View, CA 94041, (415) 960-1767 -- $18.00/yr = 4 issues [for international and bulk subs, write or see web page] Produced by Friends as part of our testimony and witness for care of the environment, and as an outreach to people of diverse [and perhaps uncertain] faiths for "Exploring the relationship of ecology and spirituality and empowering individuals and faith communities to live and work in touch with the Earth." Editor: Kurt de Boer -- kurtlauren@earthlight.org Managing Editor: Paul Burks -- pburks@earthlight.org

Fruit of the Vine (a devotional magazine)

Tract Association of Friends, 1515 Cherry Street Philadelphia PA 19102

The Conservative Friend, published by Ohio Yearly Meeting

The Christian Quaker, published by Swansea Monthly Meeting

QUÄKER, the monthly publication of the German Yearly Meeting

These all came in in a bunch from FWCC. I'll eliminate duplicates once I get back from lunch..... Putting them on the website for safe-keeping.

The Australian Friend 10 Hampson Street Kelvin Grove QLD 4059 AUSTRALIA AustFriend@quakers.org.au

Will & Pen Quaker House Square Ambiorix 50 B-1000 Bruxelles/Brussel BELGIUM

The Canadian Friend is the house organ of Canadian Yearly Meeting. It has a page under the CYM homepage. The Canadian Friend 218 Third Av Ottawa ON K1S 2K3 CANADA cf-editor@quaker.ca

Newsreport MECC PO Box 4259 Limassol CYPRUS

The Friendly Word Gaoth Dobhair Leitir Ceanainn Tir Chonaill EIRE mpom@eircom.net

Lettre des Amis 114 rue de Vaugirard F 75006 Paris FRANCE jeannehenriette@ifrance.com

Der Qu K2 D-69168 Wiesloch GERMANY quaeker@quakers.net

Tomo (The Friend) Friends Centre 4-118-9 Mita 4-chome Minato-ku Tokyo 108 0073 JAPAN

De Vriendenkring Wensenkampsweg 5941 EB Vlagtwedde The Netherlands redactie@vriendenkring.info

AWP Newsletter FWCC AWPS 657 Mt Eden Road Auckland 1003 NEW ZEALAND

Friends Newsletter PO Box 5717 Frankton Hamilton NEW ZEALAND newsletter.editor@quaker.org.nz

Friendly Word c/o Gavin Walker 9 Bangor Road Groomsport Co Down BT27 6XL NORTHERN IRELAND

Tidsskrift Kvekeren Bergljots vei 13 4633 Kristiansand NORWAY kvekeren@kveker.org

Southern Africa Quaker News Box 7205 Johannesburg 2000 SOUTH AFRICA kathstep@mweb.co.za

Kv Kv Box 9166 S 10272 Stockholm SWEDEN ingmar.hollsing@home.se

Entre - Amis c/o Esther Nabholz Postfach 147 CH 4126 Bettingen SWITZERLAND

Friends Quarterly 136 Wellington Road Manchester M14 6AR UNITED KINGDOM

Among Friends c/o EMES 1 Cluny Terrace Edinburgh EH10 4SW UNITED KINGDOM

Quaker News Friends House 173-177 Euston Road London UNITED KINGDOM qnews@quaker.org.uk

Young Quaker c/o YFGM 1046 Bristol Road Selly Oak BIRMINGHAM B29 6LJ UNITED KINGDOM yfgm@quaker.org.uk

Friends Bulletin, pub. by No. Pacific, Pacific, and Intermountain Yearly Meetings. $24/year = 10 issues. amanousos@aol.com = editor Anthony Manousos. Friends Bulletin 5238 Andalucia Court Whittier CA 90601 USA

FGC puts out a periodical called FGConnections.

FGConnections Friends General Conference 1216 Arch Street 2B Philadelphia PA 19107 USA connections@fgcquaker.org

FCNL Newsletter, pub. by Friends Committee on National Legislation, 245 Second St., NE Washington, DC 20002, web page: www.fcnl.org/pub/fcnl or e-mail at fcnl@igc.apc.org. "donation" for subscription, 11 issues/year. Includes legislative updates, in-depth coverage of various pieces of legislation & their history/implications.

FCNL Newsletter 245 Second Street NE Washington DC 20002-5795 USA fcnl@igc.apc.org

The Friends Voice, a quarterly publication of Evangelical Friends International/North America Region. 12 pages include EFM World with updates and information on Evangelical Friends Mission. Subscriptions are available at $10 per year. Email becky@ministrycomputing.org for subscription information. Read The Voice at http://www.evangelical-friends.org. Becky Towne, Senior Editor; Kathy Roblyer, Assistant Editor.

EFM World PO Box 525 Arvada CO 80001 USA iefmofc@christcom.net

Friendly Woman, pub. by various meetings for a 2-year stretch each, 3960 Winding Way, Cincinnati, OH 45229-1950, $15/year = 4 issues. While the material is all written & edited by women, I think more men should be reading it too. Often contains great poetry & drawings.

Friendly Woman 3960 Winding Way Cincinatti OH 45228 USA

The Facing Bench 5350 Broadmoor Circle NW Canton OH 44709 USA

Among Friends 50 Green Oak Drive Decatur IL 62526 USA

Interchange Baltimore Yearly Meeting 17100 Quaker Lane Sandy Spring MD 20860 USA

The Wilmington Friend Friends Centre Wilmington College Wilmington OH 45177 USA

The New England Friend 901 Pleasant Street Worcester MA 01602 1908 USA

The Iowa Friend PO Box 657 Oskaloosa IA 52577 USA

Ohio Valley YM Newsletter 6921 Stonington Road Cincinnati OH 45230 USA bhill@one.net

The Friends Voice 2748 E PIkes Peak Av Colorado Springs 80909 USA mcrcs@codenet.net

Phliadelphia Yearly Meeting News 1515 Cherry Street Philadelphia PA 19102-1497 USA news@pym.org

The Advocate c/o Etta Florence Winslow RR #1, Box 324 A Belvidere NC 27919 USA

Spark 15 Rutherford Place New York NY 10003 USA office@nyym.org

Southern Appalachian Friend c/o Kim & Susan Carlyle / SAF PO Box 439 Barnardsville NC 28709 USA SAFeditor@SAYMA.org

Right Sharing News, FWCC Right Sharing of World Resources, 3960 Winding Way, Cincinnati OH 45229. Editor is Roland Kreager. A great source of resources for economic development education (and economic discipleship education) in a compact publication. Quarterly, just send a donation or request to Right Sharing.

Right Sharing of World Resources 3960 Winding Way Cincinnatti OH 45229 USA rswr@earthlink.net

Quaker Life, pub. by Friends United Meeting, 101 Quaker Hill Drive, Richmond, IN 47374-1980, 70524.1467@compuserve.com, $19.95/year = 10 issues.

Quaker Life 101 Quaker Hill Drive Richmond IN 47375-1980 USA quakerlife@fum.org

Quaker Bonnet 2018 Maple Wichita KS 67213 USA

Contributors: Marie Oesting, Janet Scott, Tom Farley, Johan Maurer, Peter Sippel, Thecla Granty and Martin Kelley

Russell Nelson
Last modified: Tue Mar 18 11:28:46 EDT 2008