This is a list of published works that deal, at least in part, with the vocal ministry in meeting for worship. Most are relatively brief pamphlets and tracts that treat more than this subject, but because of their brevity I will not refer to the specific pages where the discussion appears. Just read the whole pamphlet.
Unfortunately, some of these items are out of print. You may find copies in our meeting library or the library of one of the other nearby meetings.
Howard Brinton, Guide to Quaker Practice, Pendle Hill Pamphlet number 20.
Douglas Steere, On Speaking Out of the Silence: Vocal Ministry in the Unprogrammed Meeting for Worship, Pendle Hill Pamphlet number 182
Beatrice Saxon Snell, A Joint and Visible Fellowship, Pendle Hill Pamphlet number 140
Larry Miller, Practice of Quaker Worship, Friends General Conference
Christopher Holdsworth, The Meeting Community and Vocal Ministry in No Time But This Present, Friends World Committee for Consultation, 1965, page 125.
Janet Schroeder, Dialogue with the Other: Martin Buber and the Quaker Experience, Pendle Hill Pamphlet 192.
Douglas Steere, Friends and Worship, Friends General Conference.
Quaker Faith and Practice (Britain Yearly Meeting), 1995, Sections 2.55 through 2.73.