Reviewed books: Bad Apple: A Tale of Friendship, by Edward Hemingway; Good People Everywhere, by Lynea Gillen, illustrated by Kristina Swarner; Because Amelia Smiles, by David Ezra Stein; Wanakjiji: The Villagers, by Michael Resman, translated by Fred Senelwa and illustrated by Cyrus Ngatia Gathigo; The Sandal Artist, by Kathleen T. Pelley; The Forgiveness Garden, by Lauren Thompson; The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind: Young Readers Edition, by William Kamkwamba and Bryan Mealer, illustrated by Elizabeth Zunon; The Lion Bible in its Time, by Lois Rock, illustrated by Steve Noon; Paiute Princess: The Story of Sarah Winnemucca, by Deborah Kogan Ray; Faith: Five Religions and What They Share, by Richard and Michele Strecel; Rightfully Ours: How Women Won the Vote, by Kerrie Logan Hollihan; One for the Murphys, by Lynda Mullaly Hung.