Quakers and Redemption
December 13, 2022
Season 1, episode 2. In this episode of Quakers Today we ask, “What does redemption mean to you?”
Attorney, coach, mediator, and Quaker thought leader Adria Gulizia speaks with host Peterson Toscano about evil. Adria’s article “Facing Evil, Finding Freedom: How Christ’s Victory Over Sin Is Ours to Share Today” appears in the December 2022 issue of Friends Journal. To read more of Adria Gulizia’s writing visit Shadow of Babylon.
Click here to hear a longer version of this conversation.
We hear from a group of Quakers in New England who decided to meet regularly online to talk about White supremacy and the sin of separation. With the support of Beacon Hill Friends House they created a community where they could be honest with each other. Lisa Graustein, Aiham Korbage, Emma Turcotte, Jennifer Higgins-Newman, and Briana Halliwell talk about this experiment in community conversations. To learn more watch “Healing From the Sin of Separation” on YouTube. For more QuakerSpeak videos visit Quakerspeak.com. The series is produced by Rebecca Hamilton-Levi. New episodes come out every other Thursday.
We also look at reviews for the new memoir by longtime peace activist George Lakey. Dancing with History: A Life for Peace and Justice is published by Seven Stories Press and is available at FGC QuakerBooks or wherever you get books. Read Doug Gwyn’s review in Friends Journal.
Click Here to read a transcript of this episode.
After this episode concludes we share voicemails from listeners who answered the question, What does redemption mean to you?
Question for next month
Our question is inspired by Jeff Hitchock’s essay “Quakers and Reparations for Slavery and Jim Crow”. It appeared in the June 2008 issue of Friends Journal. Hitchcock opens his article, “Out of the silence a woman asked, ‘Why don’t Friends take reparations more seriously? It’s the kind of issue Quakers take on.’” In his piece Hitchcock asks more questions about reparations. What are Reparations? Why are Reparations a Quaker Issue? How Does Reparations Work Benefit Quakers? What can Quakers do?
What about you? What are your thoughts, feelings, and questions about reparations? Leave a voice memo with your name and the town where you live. The number to call is 317-QUAKERS, that’s 317-782-5377. 317 Quakers. +1 if calling from outside the USA.
Quakers Today is the companion podcast to Friends Journal and other Friends Publishing Corporation (FPC) content online.
Season One of Quakers Today is sponsored by Quaker Voluntary Service (QVS.)
Are you a young adult between 21 and 30 years old? Do you know a young adult who is looking for community and purpose-driven work? QVS is a year-long fellowship for young adults. Fellows work at nonprofits while building community and exploring Quakerism. Visit quakervoluntaryservice.org or find QVS on Instagram @quakervoluntaryservice.
Feel free to send comments, questions, and requests for our new show. Email us at podcast@friendsjournal.org.
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