Write For Us

Friends Journal welcomes articles, poetry, art, photographs, and letters from our readers. We are also helped by your comments and questions. We are an independent magazine serving the entire Religious Society of Friends. Our mission is “to communicate Quaker experience in order to connect and deepen spiritual lives,” which allows for a variety of viewpoints and subject matter. We welcome submissions from Friends and non-Friends alike.
We prefer articles written in a fresh, non-academic style. Friends value an experiential approach to life and religious thought. Our readers particularly value articles on: exploring Friends’ testimonies and beliefs; integrating faith, work, and home lives; historical and contemporary Friends; social concerns and actions; and the variety of beliefs across the branches of Friends.
Friends Journal prefers articles with a constructive approach to spiritual seeking. We seek an open, curious and respectful tone even when discussing controversial subjects. We prefer articles rooted in the author’s own experiences of the divine. Submissions should show an awareness of Friends’ ways and concerns, as well as sensitivity to them.
Friends Journal has a zero-tolerance policy for AI and plagiarism:
- Friends Journal does not accept articles written by AI programs like ChatGPT and Grammarly or with AI features integrated into word processor programs such as Google Docs and Microsoft Word. No computer-aided writing tools should be used for anything but minimal spell-checking or grammar correction.
- We also do not use or accept AI-generated images.
- We use outside services to check submitted material for evidence of AI usage and plagiarism. The Authors Guild has a useful document, “AI Best Practices for Authors.”
The magazine is published monthly (with a combined June/July issue) in print and PDF editions. We have an active and growing website with special web-only features focusing on timely topics, as well as special selections from the Friends Journal archives. We are seeking to publish more themed issues and to encourage and cultivate new writers and fresh topics.
Authors of feature-length articles receive four free copies of the issue in which the article appears, while poets receive two copies. Authors of shorter material appearing in the departments will receive two free copies upon request. We have some funds available to pay authors and artistic contributors for accepted work, upon request. We welcome inquiries about potential articles and invite you to contact senior editor Martin Kelley at martink@friendsjournal.org or message us via Facebook or Twitter.
By submitting to Friends Journal, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the legal agreement found at https://www.friendsjournal.org/legal. Advertising reservation deadlines typically occur a few days after our editorial deadlines; check our Advertising section for specific dates.
We use the service Submittable.com to handle manuscripts. They provide a tutorial here.
Feature Article Themes
Housing and Homelessness
May 2025 issue, due Feb. 17
Quaker Revivals
June-July 2025 issue, due Mar. 17
General Submissions
August 2025 issue, due May 19
Affinity Groups and Worship
September 2025 issue, due June 16, 2025
General Submissions
August 2025 issue, due July 21
Quaker Fiction
November 2025 issue, due Aug. 18, 2025
What Do We Believe?
December 2025 issue, due Sep. 22, 2025
More: Full list of upcoming issues
Forum: Reader responses, limited to 300 words. You can also email forum@friendsjournal.org, or leave a comment on any of our articles, book reviews, news stories, etc., and we may use it in a future issue.
Opinion/Viewpoint: Short essays, sometimes topical and/or opinionated, of 500-700 words.
Departments: Shorter articles (about 1,500 words or less), often with a more narrow focus, found toward the back of each print issue (also online) that fall under one of our current Department categories, including Bible Study, Earthcare, Friends in Business, History, Reflection, Faith and Practice, and Witness. Click through to see the full list.
Poetry: We generally publish 2-3 poems in each issue. Please use this form for all poetry, even poems that might be intended for specific issues.
Interviews and Stories: If you have leads for people we should talk to or story ideas, you can contact our staff writer through this form.
News and press releases to be considered: These should be emailed to news@friendsjournal.org.
Book Reviews: We do not accept unsolicited book reviews. Review copies of books by Quaker authors or of interest to Friends Journal readers may be mailed to:
Friends Journal
Attn: Books Review Editor
1501 Cherry St
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Learn how to become one of our reviewers.
Milestones: Births, adoptions, marriages/unions, and obituaries. Click through for instructions (including a list of essential info we like to include) and the submission form. You may also submit by email to milestones@friendsjournal.org or by postal mail to our address (attention: “Milestones Editor”).
Quaker Works: Semiannual feature dedicated to connecting Friends Journal readers to the good works of Quaker organizations; the column is published in the April and October issues each year. Organizations must meet certain criteria in order to be included; click through for details and upcoming deadlines (submit in mid-February and mid-August).
Art Work and Photographs: Most art we receive goes with specific articles and you can upload them with the documents when you submit. But we do also accept independent artwork to be consider for illustrations or covers.
Additional Resources
Friends Journal Style Guide: Our frequently updated in-house style sheet includes guidelines for uniquely Quaker stylistic issues and also includes links to reference material by other Quaker and progressive organizations.