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Student Voices Project 2020
Student Voices Project 2020
Cat Rescuer
Before I was in kindergarten, I started rescuing cats with my mom and my babysitter. We found a group of…
Jade Louis Clarke McKay
Student Voices Project 2020
The Dangerous Turn
Most school days, when one of my parents picks me up, we have to make a turn out of the…
Austin Setzler
Student Voices Project 2020
Stronger Together
From his pink cheeks and the way he walked with his head down, I could tell he was ashamed of…
Coco Campbell
Student Voices Project 2020
Our Turn
The petition was signed by 30 girls. It was very simple, or at least we thought so. All we wanted…
Maina Vaidya
Student Voices Project 2020
From Juicy Burger to Leafy Greens
A man I had never met before was sitting in front of me waiting patiently, when my father spoke. “This…
Lara Asch
Student Voices Project 2020
Teaching Tech to Seniors
In seventh and eighth grade, while attending Newtown Friends School (NFS), I clerked the Tech Team, a student-run committee charged…
Ankita Achanta
Student Voices Project 2020
The Spectrum of Equality
The first time I was aware of someone using the word “gay” as an insult was in sixth grade. Though…
Aria Gratson
Student Voices Project 2020
False Face Must Hide What the False Heart Doth Know
I thought of one of my best friends as the nicest, happiest person I knew. In the time that I…
Kiera Larrieu
Student Voices Project 2020
Food Insecurity in Philadelphia
Every Sunday from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m., I make 50 bagged lunches for homeless people in Kensington, a neighborhood in…
Noa Phillips
Student Voices Project 2020
Learning to Help the Homeless
Walking down the streets in downtown D.C., I saw homeless people everywhere: on the sides of the street, outside churches,…
Charlie Kerry
Student Voices Project 2020
Made for Killing
About 14 out of every 100,000 people in North Carolina were killed by a gun in 2016, according to the…
Olive Shull
Student Voices Project 2020
Standing Against Gun Violence
I was watching TV when my mom got up to get a phone call. I saw the look on her…
Nia Daniel
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