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Steven Dale Davison: Proactively Encouraging Quakers’ Callings
Quaker author Steven Dale Davison was interviewed for his May 2024 article, “Speaking to Our Members’ Conditions.” Steven Dale Davidson…
Martin Kelley
Fair Trade Coffee: A Glimpse behind the Scenes
You get up in the morning and brew or buy your coffee, feeling especially good because it’s certified fairtrade and…
Faith and Economics
Three memories from the time when I was about ten are swirling together in the same container. In the first,…
Behind the Budget: Are We Stuck with This High Risk Monetary System?
What Kind of Resource is Money? The subject here is money and how to use it responsibly. We all know…
The Quaker Peace Testimony, Economics, and the Common Good
Quakerism and Economics of the Common Good English Quaker John Bellers (1654- 1725) was the first social thinker to advance…
The Oil Depletion Protocol: How Alternative Fuels Can End Our Wars
Access to petroleum has been mentioned again and again as the primary reason for our nation’s current military engagement in…
A Quaker Family (Yours) Saves Energy
People in the United States, and Quakers in particular, are at a confluence of social, economic, and environmental events like…
Public Transportation in the Future
Several years ago, my wife and I paid a visit to the Women’s Suffrage Museum in Seneca Falls, N.Y. As…
Zeri: A Philosophy and Methodology to Reinvent the World
Many Friends have become increasingly concerned that our current economic system is not sustainable. Clearly, a perpetual growth economy is…
Supporting Tribal Community Development Loan Funds
One of the moral dilemmas facing many Friends and others in our relations with Native American tribes is how we…
Keeping It Simple: A Memoir about Women and Development in Senegal
As usual, I was the first to arrive at headquarters that morning in Dakar. Familiar with the lateness that ticks…
Juarez Reflections
The three empty bird cages are stacked forlornly against the wall of the house on the small concrete paved patio,…
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