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New England Yearly Meeting Friends Explore Their Relationship with Friends United Meeting
At its 2011 annual sessions in August, New England Yearly Meeting held a panel discussion to advance Friends’ discernment of…
Encouraging Each Other’s Faith and Truths
My thoughts about Friends United Meeting and its relationship with Friends in New England have changed a lot over the…
Love Is Rigorous
I am embarrassed but glad to confess that for many years now, a watchword for me has been the title…
Meeting at the Center
We are all part of the same Quaker family. We are called to love one another, and to be reconciled…
And the word of the Lord was rare in those days; there was no frequent vision. —1 Samuel 3:1 "You…
On a Mission to Heal the Planet
Risking esteem and friendship to speak truth through Friends ministry interviewed by Shirley Dodson Amanda, what motivated you to apply…
Service in the Friends Ambulance Unit
In October 1944, it was my privilege to be one of the Canadian conscientious objectors who had volunteered for service…
Still Asking: Who Is Our Neighbor?
Third day of the Eighth Month, 2008 Dear Friends, On the last day of Western Yearly Meeting’s 2008 Annual Session,…
The Spirit of Pendle Hill and the Origin of Quaker Institute for the Future
When I first came to Pendle Hill in the spring of 1965, Alan Hunter was visiting from Los Angeles. I…
Writing Midrash at Pendle Hill
It was a workshop at Pendle Hill that led me to discover more of myself and of the Bible through…
A Laboratory for Community
My first recollection of hearing about Pendle Hill, the Quaker study center near Wallingford, Pa., was from the spoken ministry…
A Great People To Be Gathered: The View From Pendle Hill
In the olden days, when I was here, Quakers did not applaud at lectures. Remember those days? I was asked…
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