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On Love
The Greek language has three words for the one English word "love." I do not read Greek, and although I…
Pendle Hill: The Experiment Continues
Eighty years ago, Pendle Hill opened its doors as an experiment in Quaker educational community. It was experimental in at…
Friends and the Understanding of Reason and Equality
[That] man, as he is a rational creature, hath reason as a natural faculty of his soul, by which he…
Ritual, Symbol, and Ceremony
The attraction and staying power of religious tradition rests largely in the appeal of ritual, symbol, and ceremony. Quakerism—and other…
Letters to Dear John
Reading John Woolman’s autobiography made me curious about how I would respond to his gentle but challenging ministry for fellow…
Hidden Springs: A Quaker Farm Community in the Mid-20th Century
Technically, my parents did not own a house until after Dad retired, and even then, it was probably mortgaged. For…
Learning about the Real World of Ministry
Any change in one’s life has the potential to be transformative. Going to Earlham School of Religion was certainly so…
Applying Quaker Thought to Food
Many of the world’s faiths and religious organizations make faith-based eating easy for their believers: Don’t eat pork. Don’t eat…
Moving toward Environmental Action
Friends have a defining and mystical method for reaching personal decisions and taking action. Our practice of opening ourselves to…
Global Warming: The Need for a Paradigm Shift
In the early years of our country, Friends enslaved other human beings. Thanks to a few Friends such as John…
Simplicity in Avoiding War Taxes
In 1982 the contradiction of "praying for peace and paying for war" overwhelmed us. We needed to try to live…
The Trail We Leave Behind Us
Learning from My Neighbors It’s a great honor to be together to listen and speak and have a conversation. I…
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