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Prayer and Meditation
Meditation, Prayer, and Worship
It wasn’t a burning bush or a lightning bolt from heaven—not common occurrences on subway trains where Cynthia was reading.…
Prayer, Healing, and a Miracle
Our life is love, and peace, and tenderness; and bearing one with another, and forgiving one another, and not laying…
Prayers and Protests
Talking to God was an everyday affair when I was growing up. We said a blessing before meals, had Bible…
Searching Out That on Which We Can Depend
My daily routine usually starts with a two-mile walk on an athletic track near my home. It’s an energizing way…
Knitting in Gratitude
My recent prayers have been colorful and, frankly, rather woolly. They are relatively quiet, except for the clickety clack of…
The Meaning of "Bless You"
I once wrote a report about what it was like to stand in vigil alone for the initial minutes. On…
Going for the Gold
In the time since September 11, I have often come to Philadelphia’s Independence Mall peace vigil feeling very tired and…
Prayer of Redemption
In the weeks and months since September 11, I have spoken with a number of Friends who have felt led…
Drinking the Living Water: Pilgrimage to Taize
A convinced Friend and former Catholic, I never thought I would agree with the pope about anything . . .…
Pray for Whom?
As I stood at the vigil today, I carried with me thoughts from the morning’s meeting for worship. On my…
Serving God and Caesar
A letter to a Friend about 21 years in the Foreign Service Dear Nick, I joined the Foreign Service 21…
Prayer Vigil No. 88
It was a Sunday this past February, only the second time that I’d been at the vigil since early December,…
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