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Louisiana Journal
Shortly after Hurricane Rita, Virginia Ratliff, a native of Louisiana, felt called to return to the rural Gulf Coast and…
Friends Neighborhood Guild: A Quaker Presence in Philadelphia
The Beginnings In 1879, as an expression of concern for their new immigrant neighbors, Friends in the Northern Liberties section…
Middle School Friends Workcamp
Last September, my 13-year-old daughter and I participated in the Middle School Friends Workcamp, run by Philadelphia Yearly Meeting and…
Parent Involvement
As the cofounder of a parent-cooperative, early childhood education, community-based program that grew to become a school, I offer some…
Wait on the Lord
A Friend remarked in meeting that he felt uncomfortable with the notion that, in the immortal words of John Milton,…
Quaker Services and Quaker Values
Friends have made a substantial impact on the availability and quality of senior care in the United States. Friends senior…
Care of the Dying: A Spiritual Discipline
Attending the death of a loved one is a painful, sometimes disturbing experience. Frequently it has a deeply mysterious quality,…
How Can You Do That Work?
When I spent my professional life as a full-time emergency room nurse, my friends could not get enough of my…
The AFSC and School Desegregation
Prince Edward County, Virginia, 1959-1964 The involvement of the Religious Society of Friends in Prince Edward County dates back to…
The Conflict over Abolition Activism: What Can We Learn from It?
In 2002, Westbury (N.Y.) Meeting celebrated 300 years of meetinghouses on its site. As coordinator of the celebration, part of…
Selecting a Committee Clerk
Over the years in the life of monthly meetings in which I have participated, it has been a usual practice…
In the Wake of Hurricane Isabel
The most powerful experience I had on a Friends Disaster Service (FDS) trip to Hyde County, N.C., was also the…
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