I can picture sitting on my bed at Camp Woodbrooke, the best camp in the world!
I smelled flowers along with fresh baked cookies. They made me feel very energetic! I looked around and saw vivid green grass along the brook outside of our open-sided cabin.
Hearing the water flow in the stream made me feel "at peace with the world." A gentle breeze brushed over my skin with a swift wisp to it. I could hear the snickers of my cabin-mates up above me enjoying the afternoon. I heard the birds sing outside in the dark green pine tree.
Slugs and other animals were out there. I could feel their presence in the woods outside the cabin. I knew that they were out there eating all of the perfectly green plants.
I could hear the counselors sleeping in the other bunk, but I was too preoccupied with the letter I was writing to my family to pay any attention to them. It was totally worth it to come to camp.
Sitting there in my bed I could taste the fresh air. Seeing all the mud by the pond made me want to go and get my feet dirty just like all the animals that got to do that every day. I could hear the chattering voices of my cabin-mates talking about what they wanted to do the rest of the day.
Looking out of the mosquito netting that surrounded my bed I could see the bridge that went over the brook. I could smell that it was going to rain soon. The grass seemed to wave to me with its flowing movement.
"Bong, ding, bong, ding," I could hear the bells telling us it was time to get up and go to our next activity. Going to Camp Woodbrooke is one of the highlights of my summers!