The Seeker’s Field Guide to Exploring Spirituality
Books In Brief: Reviewed by Karie Firoozmand
June 1, 2020
By Dana Kester-McCabe. Moonshell Productions, 2019. 292 pages. $16/paperback; $8.99/eBook.
This guide, written by a lifelong Friend, is a very gentle introduction to seeking. It presupposes nothing about the seeker, instead recommending a series of steps to prepare for and take a journey. And it is generous with resources, such as the glossary, suggested books and websites, and other helpful lists at the end.
The goal is to enable seekers to become more skilled in pondering the mystery of life and the profound questions—common if not universal—about why we are here, what our purpose might be, what is most important, how should we live on earth, and what else might exist for us after we die? Kester-McCabe acknowledges how she would have benefited from a guide like this as a teen, and provides gentle guidance to the seeker that seems to have no judgment and no desire to guide the seeker in any particular direction. This is a guide that prepares seekers for exploration, not a trail of breadcrumbs to a particular endpoint.
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Thank you so much for this review!