I was visited this morning
for just a little while
by a sense of stillness
as soft as a smile.
I can find no words to say
how it filled the air
of this grey November day
with its perfect contentment
and felt closer to me
than my own breath.
I only know it’s always there
whenever I get out of the way.
It’s impossible to hear
in this loud world
and impossible to see
because it’s everywhere
and nowhere.
But it held me
and I was not alone.
It felt so much
like coming home.
Beautiful. Thank you!
Thank you so much.
I’d love to feel stillness as soft as a smile
for more than a little while
I’d love the smiling stillness to be my home wherever I roam
thank you
Dorothy Riehm
for building such a dream home for me
and all of your blessed readers