Earth Quaker Action Team

Earth Quaker Action Team (EQAT) continues to “nonviolently confront the people who benefit from the current energy system, boldly challenging them to turn away from fossil fuels.”

The current campaign urges the utility PECO in the Delaware Valley to catch up to neighboring states in its generation of solar beyond the current less than 0.5 percent. EQAT has shown up at the utility’s offices, at shareholder meetings—and now, even as the pandemic has shifted some of its ability for direct action, EQAT continues to find ways to demonstrate concerns and push for a just future and local solar.

Five years ago it was known that 20 percent local solar by 2025 was possible, as long as PECO did the work. This year as PECO rolled out its action plan for providing electricity for the next few years, EQAT joined others to protest at the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission that the plan does not measure up.

EQAT is also lifting up the need to support ratepayers in need, making sure that ratepayers don’t leave the pandemic with utility bill debt. In keeping with its belief that investment priorities should focus on caring for the earth and those in need, EQAT continues to push PECO to shift its investment from fossil to green.

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