Gretchen Castle was named the next chair of the Conference of Secretaries of Christian World Communions at its meeting held October 8–10 in Christiansfeld, Denmark.
Castle is a member of the conference through her role as the general secretary of Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC), where she is serving her eighth year. Her term as chair of the conference will be for two years.
Founded in 1957, the Conference of Secretaries of Christian World Communions is made up of general secretaries of Christian communities that have a global presence. They meet annually to support each other and to promote Christian unity.
Castle works out of the FWCC World Office housed in Friends House in London, England. FWCC, through its four section offices—Africa, the Americas, Asia and the West Pacific, and Europe and the Middle East—runs programs uniting Friends around the world through Spirit-led fellowship.
Through FWCC’s World Office and her place with the conference, Castle is able to connect Quakers with Christians around the world. “We are a part of the ecumenical movement,” she says. “We care about sharing a voice with our Christian companions as we work toward world peace and a sustainable future.”
Castle will be the first woman to hold the post. She succeeds Martin Junge of the Lutheran World Federation. Junge commented, “I am happy about the unanimous readiness of the Conference of Secretaries to receive her gifts and her leadership.”
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