John Andrew Gallery: Joseph’s Role as a Loving Father to Jesus

Quaker author John Andrew Gallery is interviewed about his April 2023 article, “The Gospel Model of Fatherly Love.”

John Andrew Gallery discusses his article “The Gospel Model of Fatherly Love,” published in Friends Journal. He explains how seeing the figure of Joseph at Christmas prompted his reflections on Joseph’s role as a loving father in the Gospel of Matthew. Gallery draws insights about fatherly love from the stories of Joseph and the Parable of the Prodigal Son, emphasizing the importance of letting go and giving unconditional acceptance as a parent. He also mentions his book “Living in the Kingdom of God” which explores how the parables of Jesus illustrate how one should behave as a person living in God’s kingdom. Gallery finds the poetic imagery of parents as bows and children as arrows, from Kahlil Gibran’s “The Prophet,” to be a powerful metaphor for the parental role.

John Andrew Gallery lives in Philadelphia, Pa., and attends its Chestnut Hill Meeting. He has authored many articles in Friends Journal and several self-published spiritual books. He has authored four Pendle Hill pamphlets, including the just-released Wait and Watch: Spiritual Practice, Rehearsal, and Performance. Website:


John Andrew Gallery’s website:

Read previous Friends Journal articles by the author.

Gallery’s Living in the Kingdom of God.

Pendle Hill’s interview upon the publication of Wait and Watch.

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