While autumn 2021 began the transition back to in-person events for both adult and youth programs, Powell House returned to only allowing sojourner visits in December, due to the spike in pandemic cases. The Second-Thirds program, for Friends ages 35-59ish, was well attended virtually this fall, with topics of financial concerns, parenting, and spiritual journeys. Weekly Zoom Bible study regularly gathers eight to twelve folks as they make their way through the book of Genesis. Online or hybrid events will continue to be offered, even as in-person programming begins to return this spring. The Youth program will hold three conferences in March and April: “On The Spot!” for ninth to twelfth grade, “Play, Create” for sixth to eighth grade, and “Outer Space, Inner Space” for fourth and fifth grade. Powell House’s COVID-19 protocols encourage communication and consent along with a combination of masking, social distancing, being outside, and rapid testing. These are working well, and there has not been a single case of COVID-19 in the youth or adult programs. Powell House currently asks that all in-person attenders at Powell House be vaccinated.
Learn more: Powell House
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