Quaker Voluntary Service (QVS) is proud to be entering its second decade. In late August, the eleventh cohort of young adult Fellows began their in-person orientation at Pendle Hill in Wallingford, Pa., followed by a year-long commitment to Spirit-centered living, community, and service as a source of loving transformation in the world.
QVS’s second decade comes with unprecedented challenges as a result of the pandemic, current economic and employment trends, and changing generational demographics of young adults. The traditional methods of recruitment (person-to-person) combined with a challenging economy resulted in lower enrollment this year. QVS responded in three ways: (1) pausing the program in Atlanta, Ga., this year, while maintaining programs in Boston, Mass.; Minneapolis, Minn.; Philadelphia, Pa.; and Portland, Ore.; (2) boosting capacity for recruitment and communications to reach more young adults and raise awareness of QVS; and (3) launching a strategic planning process for the coming decade.
Learn more: Quaker Voluntary Service
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