QuakerSpeak, May 2024

This video’s anonymous guest describes herself as “a pacifist, a poet, a Jewish grandmother, [and] a bubbe.” She became a Friend in 2006, when the Israeli-Hezbollah war began. “I couldn’t sit back and watch the carnage of that war and do nothing,” she recalls.

“The Quakers served the oppressed,” she says, “and I was impressed. . . . I wanted to be part of a place that honored pacifism. I did not, do not, have a conscience for war. It is not the answer.” Since October 7, she has been absorbing everything she can about the war in Gaza, “trying to figure out . . . why are more people not outraged witnessing this carnage? Where are Quakers now?”

Transcript and Discussion Questions Available Here

Produced by Christopher Cuthrell

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