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A Quaker Consultation on Economics and Ecology
Enlarging the Focus of Quaker Social Witness Quaker Eco-Witness and the Earthcare Working Group of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting have jointly…
Concerning Economic Policy and Friends Testimonies: An Open Letter
Pendle Hill Wallingford, Pa., USA Third First Day, Sixth Month, 2003 To Friends Everywhere, We greet you as 29 individuals,…
FCNL's "Green" Building on Capitol Hill
Buildings have a significant impact on our environment, and there are many ways to make them more environmentally friendly. Five…
Lighting the Path of Seven Generations
But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds of the air, and they will tell you;…
What is the Meaning of a Toad?
What is the meaning of a toad? In elementary school I write a one-page report on toads. I draw a…
The Peaceful Pedal Cab
Friends General Conference provided the opportunity for an unconventional form of peace witness at the Gathering this year by allowing…
Addressing Our Dependence on Fossil Fuels
Most of us have reaped the benefits of an economy powered by fossil fuel. There is no need to list…
Pioneering the Possibilities
Recognition of the true nature of the world’s physical and spiritual problems requires the awareness of both where we are,…
The Gift of Chemical Awareness
My life has brought me many gifts. Some I’ve appreciated, others I’ve sought to return. I’ve discovered that when events…
Friends and Fragrances
As the weather improves later in the year, more encounters with other Friends may take place as part of a…
Why Simple Living Is Not Enough
It is common practice in addressing the ecological crisis from a religious perspective to present wasteful consumerism as the crux…
The Friends Committee on Unity with Nature Center
The FCUN Center at this year’s Gathering drew many Friends for reading, video viewing, meetings, and informal discussions of current…
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