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Healing, and Bindweed
I’ve been thinking about healing, and about bindweed, recently. I have been mentally ill for 32 years. In the last…
One German’s Response to What My Nation Did in World War II
Two weeks after I first moved from Germany to Los Angeles in 2002 to study theology, a fellow seminarian asked…
Left in Darkness
There was something about the way the new green had sprouted precisely in the middle of my garden. The garden…
The Miracle of Death
On May 10, 2006, my wife and partner of a quarter century, Deborah "Misty" Gerner, who was under treatment for…
Listening to Lincoln
Let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the Nation’s wounds, to care for…
My Year of Cancer
At a recent gathering of Friends, the discussion leader asked us each to describe a joy we had brought with…
A Quaker Koan: How Can I Help without Doing Anything to Help?
A koan is a Buddhist mechanism for opening to a larger reality by presenting a situation that cannot possibly be…
Rwanda: Escaping the Victim-Abuser-Rescuer Triangle
There is that of God in each of us. This is a fundamental tenet of Quaker faith. But perhaps there…
Goat Story
When I was a child we had goats at home. While we were at school, we tied them to a…
AVP: An Instrument of Peace
When I became involved with the Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP), I had no idea how important the underlying principles…
Courageously Faithful: Bringing Peace to War
This room is a new room to most of us. I want to invite you to simply take some time…
On Abuse and Healing
One of the joys of my work with Friends Journal is the opportunity to travel among Friends. Two summers ago,…
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