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Remembering a Forgotten Zionist Vision for Peace?
I was inspired after reading Bob Dockhorn’s review in Friends Journal about Maxine Kaufman-Lacusta’s book Refusing To Be Enemies: Palestinian…
The Christian Stewardship Listening Project
In 1981, I founded Rural Southern Voice for Peace (RSVP) with support from Celo Meeting and the Arthur Morgan School…
Are We at the Dawn of a New Age of Global Spirituality?
In December 2009, I attended the Parliament of the World’s Religions (PWR) in Melbourne, Australia. This gathering has taken place…
Why I Am Not a Christian
I have attended Quaker meeting for over 40 years, and am a member of Rochester (N.Y.) Meeting, yet I do…
Wrestling with God
Jakob Freud was a devout Hassidic Jew, who participated in an education program led by Ludwig and Pheobus Phillipson. The…
Meeting the Seventh-day Adventists
Five years ago, a spiritual friend and I visited a couple of Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) churches, where Adventism piqued my…
Whose Image Is on the Coin? A Jewish Perspective on Abrahamic Wisdoms
I begin with a renewed version of the blessing traditionally offered before learning Torah—sharing wisdom—together: Blessed are you the breath…
What is a Peace Church?
What does it mean to be a peace church in 2008? As a member of the Religious Society of Friends,…
On Being a Catholic Quaker
Thirty years ago, driving home from a Catholic charismatic prayer meeting, I heard the inner words, "I want you to…
Facilitating Interreligious Weddings
Since the fall of 1989, I have been involved as a kind of facilitator for three weddings, held in the…
Friends and the Interfaith Peace Movement
Our country and the world were shaken to the core by the events of September 11, 2001. In response, we…
Strengthening Interfaith Connections Locally
My experiences visiting and living abroad have been a major influence on what I hope, as a Quaker, to emphasize…
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