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My Trip to Kunduz
In the summer of 2009, I was given a grant by German Technical Corporation to conduct field research to gather…
Helping North Americans Experience Nicaragua
This year marks the 25 year anniversary of ProNica, and an important part of ProNica’s mission has always been to…
Quaker Education in Bolivia
The special October 2010 issue of FRIENDS JOURNAL on Friends and Education focuses usefully on Quaker schools in the United…
Concerned about Israel and/or Palestine: Perhaps We Are Part of the Problem
In October 2008, I traveled to the West Bank on behalf of Friends World Committee for Consultation-Europe and Middle East…
Whose Image Is on the Coin? A Jewish Perspective on Abrahamic Wisdoms
I begin with a renewed version of the blessing traditionally offered before learning Torah—sharing wisdom—together: Blessed are you the breath…
Neighbors East and West – This Time Iran
In 1986 a group mostly of Quakers from Richmond, Indiana, were walking together through the Kremlin on their last night…
A Peace Education Sabbatical
Learnings From My Father I believe in the culture of peace. I believe in daily peace building on a personal,…
A Very Different War: The Story of an Evacuee Sent to the U.S. During World War II
It was only later that we realized how lucky we had been when we arrived in the United States to…
The Responsibility to Protect: Quakers and Genocide
As I sit writing this article, I hold in my hand a full-page ad placed by the Save Darfur Coalition…
Immigration and Friends Testimonies: Seeing That of God in Our Immigrant Neighbors
Friends have been concerned about the exploitation and dehumanization of workers for many years, most notably in our opposition to…
Quaker Relief during the Spanish Civil War
One gray morning in early February, a small group of Friends was finding its way to an encounter with 70…
FWCC and Affluent and Impoverished Friends
The October issue on the 70th anniversary of Friends World Committee for Consultation was a wonderful celebration of how Friends…
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