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Latin America
The Gift of the House of the Peaceable Kin-dom
In my youth I was a comic book geek. Occasionally one might hear me cheekily go off about their ability…
From Surplus to Big Plus
Every so often, many of us are lucky enough to be at the right place at the right time to…
Immigration and Friends Testimonies: Seeing That of God in Our Immigrant Neighbors
Friends have been concerned about the exploitation and dehumanization of workers for many years, most notably in our opposition to…
Life and Work at the Casa de los Amigos in Mexico City
A year and a half ago, in the fall of 2006, the Casa de los Amigos in Mexico City celebrated…
FWCC and Affluent and Impoverished Friends
The October issue on the 70th anniversary of Friends World Committee for Consultation was a wonderful celebration of how Friends…
Juarez Reflections
The three empty bird cages are stacked forlornly against the wall of the house on the small concrete paved patio,…
Taking the Pulse of FWCC
Ask a scuba diver, what’s it like? You’ll hear about thrill, but miss the feel. Ask an FWCC rep, what…
All Friends’ Conference of 1920
Before the 1937 Friends World Conference, Friends from throughout the world and across the various branches of the Religious Society…
”Why Does (or Doesn’t) FWCC Do That?
When asked to explain our faith and practice, we Friends often tell stories—of the steadfastness of those who faced persecution,…
The Challenges of ‘Face-to-Face’ and ‘Heart-to- Heart’
At its core, FWCC is about providing opportunities for Friends in all our theological, cultural, and linguistic traditions to connect…
Beyond Words: Reflections on the 2006 Section of the Americas Annual Meeting
While walking down the cobblestone streets of Antigua, Guatemala, I started to reflect on what the 2006 Annual Meeting meant…
Taking in a Big Breath of Guatemala
Fried plantains; fireflies lighting the night sky; marimbas; tamales; pineapple juice trickling down my chin and a pale green sauce…
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