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Camp Woodbrooke: Taking Risks, Meeting Challenges
In December 2005 a dozen people met around a table in the basement of the Madison (Wis.) Meetinghouse to decide…
Quaker Camp: Mothers and Daughters Talk (#1)
Betsy (mother) How would I have raised my daughters without Quaker camp? Although Anna and Margaret were born into our…
Quaker Camp: Mothers and Daughters Talk (#2)
Sarah (mother) I was not raised Quaker. It was my children’s spiritual education through Baltimore Yearly Meeting’s summer camping programs…
Experiencing the 'Fire at the Center'
Baltimore Yearly Meeting has a large youth population, and for many within the yearly meeting, its camping program has been…
A Quaker Witness Remembered
There haven’t been any Quakers in our family since Grandpa Morey, my great-grandfather. Denominational affiliation probably changed when the family…
Taking the Pulse of FWCC
Ask a scuba diver, what’s it like? You’ll hear about thrill, but miss the feel. Ask an FWCC rep, what…
Convergence among Friends: From the ‘Kitchen’ to the ‘Parlor’
Have you ever sensed that the earliest Quakers had a fire that seems to be missing now? What do we…
Young People’s Empowerment Convergence
In late June 2007, the first Young People’s Empowerment Convergence (YPEC) was held on Snipes Farm in Morrisville, Pa. The…
Quaker Education: Thoughts on Our Words, Our Silence, and a Very Cool Milk Jug Raft
G. K. Chesterton once said that most educational debates more or less dead-end at "Let us not decide what is…
Together-Together: That’s How We Nurture Each Other
When I asked my 14-year-old daughter, "What is a functioning Quaker adult?" she looked at me quizzically and responded, "I…
How Monthly Meetings Can Support Their Youth
I first came to meeting when I was five years old, with my parents and my stuffed frog. The frog…
”Building Multigenerational Community within Monthly Meetings
One of the most powerful moments of my spiritual journey when I was growing up came when the youth director…
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