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Torture and the War System
Thanks for John Calvi’s Viewpoint “A Perfect Spiritual Work” (FJ Aug.). I was inspired and stimulated by his discussion of…
When I Was Thirsty
Last year I visited the Sonoran Desert, which straddles the U.S.-Mexican border, for the third time— this time to volunteer…
I Choose Choice
Rachel MacNair, in "My Personal Journey on the Abortion Issue" (FJ Feb.), has written a moving statement about her personal…
My Visit to Gaza with the Gaza Freedom March
On the first anniversary of the war on Gaza, known as Operation Cast Lead, close to 1,400 people from more…
Twin Cities Meeting and Same-Gender Marriage
This November, Twin Cities Meeting in St. Paul, Minnesota, approved a minute stating that our meeting will no longer perform…
Quakers in Germany during and after the World Wars
At the end of the 17th century, groups of German Quakers migrated to North America, leaving only very small, scattered…
How Quakers Can Support the Troops?
Shortly after submitting this article to Friends Journal, about soldiers resisting deployment, I was stunned by the news from Ft.…
A Quaker’s Quest in Poland
Poland wouldn’t have been my first choice as a tourist destination. I had too many troubling memories going back to…
Concerned about Israel and/or Palestine: Perhaps We Are Part of the Problem
In October 2008, I traveled to the West Bank on behalf of Friends World Committee for Consultation-Europe and Middle East…
The Living Tithe
Still, I've made a step toward that goal by opening myself to transformation into someone who more deeply lives the…
The Intersection of Faith and Practice
In prayer and silence, this small Scripture was impressed on my heart: "Whosoever holds on to their life will lose…
Neighbors East and West – This Time Iran
In 1986 a group mostly of Quakers from Richmond, Indiana, were walking together through the Kremlin on their last night…
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