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A Tribute to the Gathering – And to My Father
Nine years ago, my father and I drove from our home in Philadelphia to the 2000 Friends General Conference Gathering…
On Teaching Religion in High School
Over the past few decades, education has become increasingly specialized. With an influx of pre-professional programs at the collegiate level…
My Journey among Friends
I found the Religious Society of Friends when I was in middle school. An unpopular, misunderstood, "sensitive" child, I didn’t…
Teaching Peace/Making Peacemakers
Soft is stronger than hard, water than rock, love than violence. —Hermann Hesse In April 16, 2007, my friend Roger’s…
Providing a Warm Welcome
My husband, Adam, and I were blessed to serve as co-directors of Powell House, New York Yearly Meeting’s retreat and…
Vibrant Meetings Grow the Religious Society of Friends
In 2007, Friends World Committee for Consultation reported 35,413 unprogrammed Friends, about one-tenth of 1 percent of the U.S. population.…
Young Families and Quakerism: Will the Center Hold?
Recently I was invited to help plan an adult religious education session at a meeting that expressed interest in revitalizing…
Camp Woodbrooke: Taking Risks, Meeting Challenges
In December 2005 a dozen people met around a table in the basement of the Madison (Wis.) Meetinghouse to decide…
My Very Special Place
I can picture sitting on my bed at Camp Woodbrooke, the best camp in the world! I smelled flowers along…
Quaker Camp: Mothers and Daughters Talk (#1)
Betsy (mother) How would I have raised my daughters without Quaker camp? Although Anna and Margaret were born into our…
Quaker Camp: Mothers and Daughters Talk (#2)
Sarah (mother) I was not raised Quaker. It was my children’s spiritual education through Baltimore Yearly Meeting’s summer camping programs…
Experiencing the 'Fire at the Center'
Baltimore Yearly Meeting has a large youth population, and for many within the yearly meeting, its camping program has been…
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