In Genesis 2:15 it is said that God put us “into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.” Modern Friends have leaned into the idea of stewardship, most commonly in the context of earthcare and climate activism.
There’s the macro level, where some of us lobby pressure on businesses and governments to adopt sustainable policies that address the climate emergency. There’s the personal level, in which we ourselves adopt lifestyles with lower environmental impact. And there’s the community level, where we bring sustainable practices to our towns and neighborhoods.
But we also take care to steward other precious resources such as money, buildings, education, and institutions. We form committees to make decisions about repairing an aging meetinghouse, consult financial experts about investing wisely and without harm, and found organizations to provide support to those educating our young people.
Our December issue will look at Stewardship as a Testimony. Some questions that authors might address:
- What is the spiritual basis of a testimony for sustainability?
- What is the right relationship between humans and the world? What are our responsibilities for caring for the earth and other creatures?
- How do we use our talents to glorify God’s creations?
- What are Friends doing to promote environmentally sustainability, both on the personal and political level?
- How are we investing in monetary and concrete resources to ensure long-term sustainability for generations to come? Why are these important to us as Friends?
Submit: Stewardship as a Testimony
Fast Facts
- Features run 1200-2500 words.
- Submissions close September 18, 2023.
General Submission Guidelines. Questions? Email
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