On May 27, visitors from across the Greater Philadelphia, Pa. region were welcomed to Arch Street Meeting House (ASMH) to celebrate the installation of new outdoor exhibits and wayfinding. The exhibit installation is the culmination of a successful fundraising campaign and design process, and its completion will help visitors to ASMH learn more about Quaker history and Quakerism today.
The new exhibits have already made a huge impact on visitation at ASMH, and tourism levels have begun to return to pre-pandemic levels. ASMH staff and Board of Trustees are pleased that these new outdoor exhibits can be offered to thousands of Philadelphia tourists and hope that Quakers around the world will also stop by the meetinghouse to see this exciting milestone.
ASMH is operated by Arch Street Meeting House Preservation Trust on behalf of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. Staff provide historic museum site tours and field trips, and facilitate hundreds of Quaker and non-Quaker rentals, meetings, and gatherings every year. ASMH is a National Historic Landmark and one of the most visited Quaker tourist destinations in the United States.
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