A Contemporary Mysticism: Support on the Spiritual Path
Compiled by Karie Firoozmand
March 1, 2016
By Michael Resman. Zumbro River Press, 2015. 282 pages. $14.95/paperback; $3.49/eBook.
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It can be lonely on the spiritual path if you do not have mentors and spiritual friends. Companionship, consolation, celebration, and storytelling are what Resman offers with this book. Friend Michael is not an expert on the Bible or theology. His life includes mistakes and the tension of paradox. But this welcoming book is an invitation to read about his own experience of God, in its intimacy, immediacy, and transforming power. It is not happiness he shares, but “joy, a joy so deep that it transcends life’s trials; so strengthening that it enables me to embrace suffering.”
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