Pray for Guidance: A Prayer Workbook for Finding Direction for Your Life
Compiled by Karie Firoozmand
January 1, 2020
By Cathy Curry Smith. Masthof Press, 2019. 125 pages. $14/paperback.
This workbook is for use in ordinary times to deepen your prayer life, or at times of stress, or decision making. Because it is a workbook, you use it by writing in the spaces provided. Looking back later can be affirming or enlightening. This isn’t a workbook that one needs to use in sequence. Rather, use the chapter that speaks to your current condition. It has large pages, about eight-by-ten inches, so that writing in it is easy. A text box at the beginning of each chapter encapsulates the chapter’s teaching, so we can easily stay focused. At each chapter’s end is space to write what you liked about the chapter and would do differently, and another suggested chapter on that topic.
This book has sections that cover times and types of prayer; listening for guidance in different situations; seeking inspiration; and even public speaking. At the end is a list of Bible verses used.
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