Lore—David Lore, 77, on January 23, 2018, in Marietta, Ga., after a struggle with heart and kidney issues. David was born on November 6, 1940, in New York City. He attended Fort Lee High School in New Jersey and graduated from Bowling Green State University in 1962, where he studied journalism. While working as a busboy at the Bowling Green faculty club, he met Rosemary Turner, who was a waitress there, and they married. Rosemary had come from a conservative, evangelical background in Kentucky, and David from a family of atheists. They came to Granville (Ohio) Meeting in approximately 1980, bringing both wisdom and humor to the small meeting. David served Granville Friends in many roles, including as clerk. He was also active in Lake Erie Yearly Meeting and served as editor and publisher of the yearly meeting Bulletin for many years. Nationally, he was active in Friends World Committee for Consultation Section of the Americas and Friends Committee on National Legislation.
He loved his career in journalism and worked at the Columbus Dispatch for 37 years. He wrote about everything from crime to education and politics, but his favorite assignment was as science columnist and editor. Many times in his career he traveled the world, including China, Mexico, and the South Pole, often with Rosemary. He enjoyed mentoring new reporters, including one who became a Pulitzer Prize winner. His peers saw him as one of the thousands of unsung heroes of journalism who pursue their craft with a single-mindedness to find the truth, expose wrongdoing, and deliver unbiased stories to the public. After retirement he was active in politics and worked hard to support candidates he saw as the best. But his favorite personal project in retirement was writing his first book: Firebrand, a biography of his grandfather Ludwig Lore, an early-twentieth-century journalist, activist, and friend of Trotsky who was adamantly opposed to capitalism.
When she was 55, Rosemary had a stroke, and David was her dedicated caretaker. They celebrated 50 years of marriage with a recommitment ceremony in front of family and friends. He missed Rosemary greatly after she died in 2013, and went to live with his daughter and her lively family, including his three grandchildren and a trove of pets, in Marietta, Ga.
In addition to Rosemary, David was predeceased by their baby daughter, Elizabeth Jean Lore; a half-brother, Richard Lore; and a half-sister, Tania Carlton. He is survived by his daughter, Diane Lore (Richard Ross); three beloved grandchildren; a brother, Mark Lore (Sandra); a brother-in-law, Clarence Turner; and several nieces and nephews.
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