Donald W. McCormick: Community and Connection among Quakers

A Quaker author chat. Don McCormick’s “Relationships in the Quaker Community” appears in the September 2024 issue of Friends Journal.

In this video interview, author Don McCormick discusses how relationships in Quaker meetings are different from other communities, highlighting examples of Quakers helping each other in times of need. He also notes the strong sense of community and connection among Quakers, even with those they have not met before. The discussion covers the importance of orienting and welcoming newcomers to Quaker meetings, as well as the challenges in maintaining community in larger meetings versus smaller ones.

Donald W. McCormick is a member of Grass Valley Meeting in Nevada City, Calif., and a retired professor. His interests include mindfulness and Quakerism, Quaker spiritual autobiography, and Quakerism and mystical experience. He leads workshops on these topics.

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