Matt Rosen: Convincement and Membership

Quaker author Matt Rosen was interviewed about his May 2024 article, “The Light Will Be Shining at the End of It All

Matt Rosen, a convinced Quaker, discusses the distinction between convincement and membership in the Quaker tradition. Convincement refers to the transformative experience of early Quakers in recognizing God’s presence, while membership is a more formal association with a Quaker meeting. Rosen explains that these two aspects do not always align, as some convinced Quakers may not become formal members, and some members may not have had a convincement experience. He suggests that meetings should consider how to best support and involve attenders who may not be formal members, especially with the rise of online participation. Rosen also shares his personal experience of feeling called to travel in Quaker ministry, and how his meeting has provided valuable support and accountability in discerning and carrying out this leading.

Matt Rosen is a convinced Friend. He is a member of Oxford Meeting in the United Kingdom and worships with Oxford Young Adult Friends. He is a PhD candidate in philosophy at the University of Oxford, and he was the 2023 Cadbury Scholar at Pendle Hill.

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