Friends Journal welcomes articles, poetry, art, photographs, and letters from our readers. We are also helped by your comments and questions. We are an independent magazine serving the entire Religious Society of Friends. Our mission is “to communicate Quaker experience in order to connect and deepen spiritual lives,” which allows for a variety of viewpoints and subject matter. We welcome submissions from Friends and non-Friends alike.
We prefer articles written in a fresh, non-academic style. Friends value an experiential approach to life and religious thought. Our readers particularly value articles on: exploring Friends’ testimonies and beliefs; integrating faith, work, and home lives; historical and contemporary Friends; social concerns and actions; and the variety of beliefs across the branches of Friends.
Friends Journal prefers articles with a constructive approach to spiritual seeking. We seek an open, curious and respectful tone even when discussing controversial subjects. We prefer articles rooted in the author’s own experiences of the divine. Submissions should show an awareness of Friends’ ways and concerns, as well as sensitivity to them.
The magazine is published monthly (with a combined June/July issue) in print and PDF editions. We have an active and growing website with special web-only features focusing on timely topics, as well as special selections from the Friends Journal archives. We are seeking to publish more themed issues and to encourage and cultivate new writers and fresh topics.
We are generally not able to pay for writing. Authors of feature-length articles receive four free copies of the issue in which the article appears, while poets receive two copies. Authors of shorter material appearing in the departments will receive two free copies upon request. We welcome inquiries about potential articles and invite you to contact senior editor Martin Kelley at or message us via Facebook or Twitter.
By submitting to Friends Journal, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the legal agreement found at Advertising reservation deadlines typically occur a few days after our editorial deadlines; check our Advertising section for specific dates.

Upcoming themes
Most of our monthly issues are built around themes, which in turn means that most of the featured articles we publish are written for particular issues. We write about upcoming issues in our Editor’s Desk blog.
We keep two issues a year un-themed in order to highlight extraordinary articles of interest to the Quaker community. Please be aware that competition for these issues is particularly high and decision timelines can be longer given the twice-annual publishing schedule. Potential authors might want to read our Tips for Writing for Friends Journal Open Issues.
Feature articles generally run from 1,200 to 2,500 words. We strongly prefer material that has not already been published elsewhere, either in print or electronic form, including on personal blogs. Please submit all poetry to our specific category for poetry.
Upcoming Themes
News & other departments
- Forum: Reader responses, limited to 300 words.
- Viewpoints: short general reflections of 600-800 words.
- Poetry: We generally publish 2-3 poems in each issue. Please use this form for all poetry, even poems that might be intended for specific issues.
- Art and Photographs (Flickr): If you wish to send us graphic material that’s not attached to any article, please feel free to join our Flickr group.
- Departments: Shorter articles (about 1,500 words or less) found toward the back of each issue that fall under one of our current Department categories, including Earthcare, Friends in Business, History, Reflection, Faith and Practice, and Witness. Click through to see the full list.
- News Items: News, press releases, and reports from events. Click through for details and the submission form.
- Book Reviews: We do not accept unsolicited book reviews. Review copies of books by Quaker authors or of interest to Friends Journal readers may be mailed to our address, “Attn: Book Review Editor.” If you would like to become a reviewer, please contact us.
- Milestones: Births, adoptions, marriages/unions, and obituaries. Click through for instructions and the submission form. You may also submit by email to or by postal mail to Milestones Editor, Friends Journal, 1216 Arch Street, Suite 2D, Philadelphia, PA 19107-2835.
- Quaker Works: semiannual feature dedicated to connecting Friends Journal readers to the good works of Quaker organizations; the column is published in the April and October issues each year. Organizations must meet certain criteria in order to be included; click through for details. Deadlines for 2019: February 11, 2019, and August 12, 2019.
- Student Voices Project: Our annual student writing issue. The latest appears in the May 2019 issue.
Additional Resources
- Friends Journal Style Guide: Our frequently updated in-house style sheet includes guidelines for uniquely Quaker stylistic issues and also includes links to reference material by other Quaker and progressive organizations.
- List of Friends Journal themes, 2012-2020