These times have left us nothing to defend,
And Rigel arcs its way into the night.
What’s now is last, but it is not the end.
The land of wealth and fame has failed to bend
To those who seek a refuge from the blight.
These times have left us nothing to defend.
The truth is sold for lies, and some pretend
There’s nothing better, nothing worth the fight.
What’s now is last, but it is not the end.
The earth, though scarred and stained, yet seeks to mend
The senselessness of human pride and might.
These times have left us nothing to defend.
Events our troubled thoughts and minds may rend,
And tear-drained eyes may close to preclude sight.
What’s now is last, but it is not the end.
Our hopes, our dreams for something more descend
Into a cruel world of fear and fright.
These times have left us nothing to defend.
What’s now is last, but it is not the end.
Comments on may be used in the Forum of the print magazine and may be edited for length and clarity.