Dear President Donald Trump,
I am a student in this country that you now represent and I want to tell you a few things. I am a Quaker student at a Friends school. I am an African American girl who was born in the San Francisco Bay area and raised in the city of Philadelphia. I have never lived outside of a city until I came to a boarding school in the suburbs this past September. As I have lived in several different communities, I have found that acceptance is key and welcoming change is how people can be happy. Teaching one another our different ways is how communities can improve each individual’s life. This may sound like hippy talk to you, and it might be, but true peace and compassion is what the world and our government should be striving for (as your job is essentially to create a better quality of living for all of your citizens).
Tangible problems in my community are scarce because I have always lived in predominately privileged communities, but one issue is the need for better education and the eradication of ignorance. I think there needs to be more work done in our own country, for and about our own people. I know you have some issues with ignorance, but in an age of information, that is a choice and can be solved. As a nation and a community, quite frankly, we have failed to support and uplift our people in ways that do not hurt another group on the backend. I ask you to be kind to all of our people and work with us all to make the world a realistically better place for everyone.
Zora Carroll, Grade 9, Westtown School
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