You’re invited to join the Friends Journal Online Book Club!
The Friends Journal editorial team loves to read, and we know you do, too. Please join us for discussion on any of the book club selections we’ll be featuring throughout the year. Just click under the “Books” tab at the top of our site to find all current and past book club posts.
Here’s how it works: We’ll post some excerpts, thoughts and questions about our current book club selection and give you the opportunity to respond in the comments section. Subscribe to the comments feed so you can stay on top of what readers are saying, and respond as often as you like! After a few weeks of discussion, we’ll feature an exclusive interview with the author in the print edition of our magazine. (Not a subscriber? Get a subscription or buy the issue here.)
The books we select for the FJ Book Club delve into Quaker interests, themes, and testimonies. Whether we’re reading a nonfiction book about spirituality or history, or a novel that captures a protagonist’s journey of self-discovery, we hope our selections will deepen your spiritual path and help you connect to the wide and diverse Friends Journal community. So please, don’t hesitate! Start reading!
August 2012 selection
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain.
Quakers, by and large, are introverts. However, a community that thrives on quiet and stillness seems against the norm, especially in twenty-first-century America. Author Susan Cain has done painstaking research and a lot of soul-searching to prove the contributions of introverts in our society, and why we need to value them more. (Interview with Susan Cain in the September issue of Friends Journal.)
Not sure if you’re an introvert or extrovert? Take the Quiet Quiz on Susan Cain’s website.
Join the discussion on our Book Club page.
Buy Quiet here.
September 2012 selection
The Man Who Quit Money by Mark Sundeen, in advance of our special October issue, “Wall Street, Main Street, and Meetinghouse Road.”
Journalist Mark Sundeen tells the captivating story of Daniel Suelo, a man whose spiritual quest ends with him relinquishing all ties to money. Some may consider Suelo an idealist, a hippie, or a homeless person, but Sundeen paints him as a courageous man who actively illustrates the basic tenets of Christianity at a time when many Americans are struggling financially. Is money an illusion, as Suelo says? A creed? Does it tie us down and hold us back? Decide for yourself after reading this magnificent profile of a man who sheds his wallet and follows his heart. (Interview with Mark Sundeen in October 2012 issue of Friends Journal.)
Read about the book and author here.
Visit our Book Club page in September to join and follow the discussion.
Buy The Man Who Quit Money here.
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to keep up with the latest posts to our website.
Top image: “Books and Books” by Kara Allyson.
[…] book or not! (If you can’t join us this month, what about next month? We’re reading The Man Who Quit Money by Mark Sundeen in advance of our October issue about money.) culture of character, culture of personality, […]
I am so excited about this!
Not every Quaker is an introvert. Sometime extroverts, like myself, are made to feel out of place.
[…] is a Friends Journal book club installment. Share your thoughts! Everyone is welcome to […]