There’s a lot to see here. Â As of 7/30/2012, the new has over 1,500 articles that communicate Quaker experience, on topics as wide-ranging as conscientious objection, Christocentrism, education, money, young Friends, and homosexuality.
To celebrate the launch of the new website and to help introduce new readers to Friends Journal, we’ve opened up access to every Friends Journal article on the site for a limited time.
If you join us as a Friends Journal member, you get even more: the complete archive (from 2001 to today), full-issue PDFs of each issue (from 2010 to today), and the print magazine in your mailbox each month.  As a member, you also have access to the deep archive — every page of every issue of Friends Journal since 1955, with full-text search capability.
The creation and presentation of Friends Journal, in all its formats, costs money.  By joining us as a member, making a donation, or advertising, you can help make sure Friends Journal continues to thrive as a magazine, a community, and a ministry of education and outreach.  As an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Friends Journal is truly reader-powered.  We hope you enjoy this treasure of Quaker communication.
The staff of Friends Journal intends for this site to be continually evolving in response to the needs and preferences of our readers.  We welcome your feedback as we embark on a process of continuous improvement.
To get the most out of Friends Journal, here’s what we recommend:
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Thank you so much for reading.
Yours in peace,
Alla, Gabe, Gail, Jane, Jon, Marianne, Martin, Matt, Patty, and Sara
I just subscribed to Friends Journal on line. I would like to review the October 1996 issue but can’t seem to find it online. How can I do that?