May 2024 Book Reviews

Photo by Lightfield Studios

Two of our books this month address relationships across generations. Dear Mr. G is an account of a warm intergenerational friendship. Bibi is a book about making accommodations to help the younger generation and the elderly among lesser flamingos of East Africa.

When my children were young, they knew the parents in our meeting well. They were the First-day school teachers and childcare volunteers; plus my children were friends with their children. They always referred to these adults as so-and-so’s mom or dad. If I mentioned any other adult in the meeting, I usually received a puzzled look. There were exceptions to this reaction, including an elderly couple who had no children or grandchildren in our area. They taught First-day school regularly and volunteered for childcare during meeting for worship. Whenever the young Friends became interested in supporting a cause, this couple appeared with their griddle and made pancakes and eggs. They invited the entire meeting to their home for annual carol sings, and they frequently hosted the First-day school picnic. Years later when I informed my adult children that this couple would be joining us for Thanksgiving dinner, I was rewarded with big smiles. These adults had been part of our lives for as long as they could remember. I considered adding into my first paragraph that Friends should share the two books mentioned with the children. On second thought, I am now suggesting that they be shared with our meetings as patterns for us to adopt. —Eileen Redden, young Friends book review editor,

Eileen Redden

Eileen Redden is the young Friends book review editor for Friends Journal. She worships with the Lewes Worship Group in Lewes, Del. Contact her at

1 thought on “May 2024 Book Reviews

  1. I have two books on Quaker history published in 1795. I’m looking for a happy home for them, perhaps the church has a place where they would be appreciated. Suggestions? This is a donation. All the best,

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