Quaker Earthcare Witness (QEW) is a network of Friends taking Spirit-led action toward ecological integrity and environmental justice.
QEW organizes a range of events to connect, educate, and support Friends. This past spring and summer, these events included: (1) kicking off a workshop series on ecological grief—what it is and how to engage with it. Engaging in the grief process in a spiritual community supports resiliency and helps people discover the actions they are called to take; (2) collaborating with Earth Quaker Action Team to promote divestment from fossil fuels (and re-investment in renewables) with a focus on Vanguard; (3) hosting monthly online worship sharing in partnership with Friends General Conference (FGC); (4) a week of afternoon presentations at the virtual FGC Gathering; and (5) a racial wealth gap simulation, led by QEW co-clerk Beverly Ward, which helped participants understand the connections among racial inequity, hunger, poverty, and wealth.
QEW publishes a quarterly newsletter, BeFriending Creation, highlighting Friends’ actions and reflections on earthcare. Recent articles focused on land reparations to Indigenous Peoples, action on divestment from fossil fuels, living in right relationship with the living world, climate justice and militarism, local Friends climate action, the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative, and sustainable economics.
Learn more: Quaker Earthcare Witness
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