The School of the Spirit Ministry

Participating in God’s Power is a year-long program designed to help its participants open deeply and powerfully to the Source, learn how to access clear guidance, encounter and work through internal resistance to faithfully following the direction of the Spirit, and connect this grounding in Quaker practice to their actions in the world. The second cohort will gather for residencies this August and October.

The nine-month Faithful Meetings program brings opportunities to Friends communities for spiritual and emotional intimacy grounded in Quaker faith and practices. Live Oak Meeting in Houston, Tex., completed the program in June. Chattanooga (Tenn.) Meeting held their closing retreat was in September. Facilitator Mary Linda McKinney has space on her calendar for new Friends communities to enroll.

Contemplative retreats are continuing in-person, including gatherings in Racine, Wis., this past April and one scheduled for May 2025.

Friends can apply for a new spiritual formation program that begins in May 2025. The 2025-26 cohort will explore how “God’s Promise Fulfilled” rejects and redeems the damaging logic of our culture’s addiction to domination, injustice, and exploitation. Two day-long previews of the program in November and January will be offered in North Carolina and Washington, D.C., respectively.

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