Earth Quaker Action Team

Earth Quaker Action Team (EQAT) continues its nonviolent direct action campaign focusing on the role of Vanguard, a Philadelphia investment company, in a just and sustainable future. Joining global, national, and local partners in the Vanguard’s Very Big Problem campaign, EQAT is pushing Vanguard to use its influence as one of the biggest investors in fossil fuel companies to move them towards sustainability; offer sustainable investing options to its customers; and in the long run, divest from fossil fuel companies. While the campaign is global in scope, EQAT sees an opportunity to play a role in organizing Quakers around this issue. EQAT has heard from Quakers across the country who say that taking action together is very encouraging, and EQAT will offer many opportunities in the future, locally and beyond. Vanguard customers have a particular part to play in pressuring Vanguard, and EQAT offers a sign-up form on its website to help customers take collective action. Participation in the campaign is not limited to Vanguard customers. In April, EQAT is setting off on a walk to highlight the connection between pollution and climate injustice in the region and the money and investment that enable it. The walk begins in Chester, Pa., and ends in Malvern at Vanguard’s headquarters, with events and interfaith protests between.

Learn more: Earth Quaker Action Team

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